Tired Of Being Alternative Photography, art, design, technology. And everything in-between.

The future of programming

Posted by
Edoardo Galvagno
7 Aug 2013
in tech, programming
L’interessante presentazione tenuta da Bret Victor alla DBX Conference sul futuro della programmazione.

Bret Victor, introducing his talk at the DBX Conference last month: “Technology changes quickly, people’s minds change slowly”.

You should watch the whole presentation. And make sure to read his notes, too!

Bret’s talk on The Future of Programming – fun and interesting – struck me as I’ve been thinking along the same lines lately.

It seems that while hardware has made huge leaps forward, software – and the people using it – does not benefit from the power and resources we have today.

It’s no coincidence that Bret inspired new projects such as the Light Table IDE (but this is subject for another post).

And one more thing: his presentation is proof that you can do without using PowerPoint!